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Writer's pictureJoanne Burke

Prioritising Self-Care When Taking on Something New

I'm talking about all things self-care! Self-care is crucial whether you’re starting a new project at work, preparing for exams, or heading back to work after maternity leave. There's more to self-care than you might think. I hope by taking 10 minutes to reflect, you might identify what is working well and where you might benefit from making simple tweaks.

The Basics: Checking in with Your Fundamental Needs

Often, when we hear the words ‘self-care’ we automatically jump to bubble baths and spa days. While those activities are lovely, they may not have the lasting impact needed to support our well-being daily.

Clients often seek me out when life is tough and they feel overwhelmed. My first step is to check in with their basic needs, a practical form of self-care that can easily become overlooked in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

When was the last time you checked in with your basic needs?

  • What does your sleep look like?

  • How do you meet your nutritional requirements?

  • When did you last have a meaningful interaction?

  • When did you last see the dentist?

  • Are you managing to shower?

Taking care of these basic needs is the foundation of effective self-care. This might mean subscribing to a meal service to get your nutrition back on track or decluttering your bedroom so you can rest and sleep more easily.

What do you notice about your practical self-care?

Recharging: Finding What Restores You

The next step might feel more familiar. Where are you recharging? What gives you a boost? Where do you find your joy? What’s restorative?

This is where the bubble baths might fit in, but it can be so much more! This type of self-care is often saved for high days and holidays. Booking holidays, spa days, or afternoon tea with a friend are great ways to recharge, but is it enough?

What could you do every day? How could you create 5 minutes of uninterrupted restorative self-care every day? If you squeeze in 5 minutes, imagine what you could do in 30!

What do you notice about your restorative self-care?

Growth: Embracing New Opportunities

Step three is all about growth. Tony Robbins and Cloé Madanes identify growth as one of our six human needs. Feeling like we are stagnating, stuck, or as though life is passing us by are often motivators for people to reach out. There is a balance to strike between 'pushing', moving beyond our comfort zone and when to 'cushion', seeking the familiar, or more self-compassionate options.

When was the last time you learned a new skill or tried something new?

It could be picking up that paintbrush and experimenting or joining a choir. You might choose to use a meal kit as part of your practical self-care but challenge yourself to cook a new recipe from scratch once a month.

You won’t be surprised to hear that coaching and supervision are great ways to support your growth and are wonderful self-care, especially if you are caring for others and are at risk of compassion fatigue or burnout.

Creating Your Self-Care Plan

Click here to create your Self-Care Plan and drop me an email to let me know how you get on.

When creating your Self-Care Plan, here are a few pointers to consider:

  • Which type of self-care is going well?

  • Where do you need to focus your energy?

  • What will have the most impact?

  • What needs to become a daily or weekly habit?

  • What can you plan for and put in the diary?

  • Where can you habit stack and get more out of one activity?

  • What is your first step?

Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. By prioritising your well-being, you can approach new challenges with energy, clarity, and resilience.

For tailored 1:1 support book a free discovery call.

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